
Yoga Detox Retreat

Yoga classes, meditation and juice detox

Dada Krsnasevananda’s Lecture about spirituality to Roskilde University

At Ananda Gaorii Ashram near Holbæk, our mission has always been to share the transformative power of spirituality with communities far and wide. Recently, this journey brought us to a place that might not typically be associated with deep spiritual exploration—Roskilde University Campus. Yet, over the past few weeks, our connection with the students and faculty there has grown into something truly special, and we’d like to share this experience from our perspective.

It all began on May 8th, when our monk, Dada, was invited to give a lecture at Roskilde University. This was a significant moment for us, as it was the first time that a monk from Ananda Gaorii had been welcomed to the campus. The lecture centered on a topic close to our hearts: the intersection of depression and spirituality. Dada presented an idea that challenges conventional thinking—depression, rather than just being a mental illness, can also serve as a catalyst for spiritual awakening.

Drawing on the insights of Clinical Psychologist Dr. Lisa Miller, Dada suggested that the pain and darkness of depression might be the beginning stages of a profound spiritual transformation. He shared his personal journey, illustrating how spiritual practices have helped him and countless others not just cope with, but grow through, life’s challenges. It was an honor to see how this message resonated with the students and staff, sparking new conversations and perspectives on mental health.

The lecture wasn’t just about words—it was about experience. After sharing his insights, Dada led the attendees in a short guided meditation, offering them a taste of the practices that have been so transformative in his own life. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing a desire to delve deeper into these practices.

We were thrilled to return to Roskilde University the following week for a hands-on workshop that focused on mantra meditation, a practice that lies at the heart of our teachings at Ananda Gaorii. Mantra meditation is a powerful tool for quieting the mind and connecting with the deeper aspects of our being. Dada led the group through this practice with his characteristic calm and steady guidance, helping each participant to find their own space of inner peace.

The energy in the room was truly special. As the group chanted together, there was a sense of unity and shared purpose that was palpable. Even in moments of silence, the connection between everyone present was strong. For us at Ananda Gaorii, this was a beautiful affirmation of the power of spiritual practices to bring people together, no matter where they are in their personal journeys.

Our time at Roskilde University has been a reminder of the importance of bringing spirituality into different spaces, especially those where it’s not typically found. Universities are places of intellectual growth, but they can also be places of deep personal and spiritual growth. The openness and curiosity of the students and faculty at Roskilde have shown us that there is a real hunger for this kind of exploration.

We are grateful to have had the opportunity to share our teachings and practices with the Roskilde University community. The conversations that have begun, and the practices that have been introduced, are just the beginning. We hope that these seeds will continue to grow, both on campus and in the lives of those who participated.

At Ananda Gaorii, our doors are always open to those who seek deeper understanding and connection. We look forward to continuing this journey, both with the Roskilde University community and beyond, as we work together to explore the many ways that spirituality can enrich our lives.