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6-Day Silent Retreat

——English below——-
🌞Du kan tilmelde dig her: https://forms.gle/fLBFNJbDe2jLadhT6
Vi inviterer dig til et 6 – dages stilhedsretreat, der vil hjælpe dig med at styrke og gå dybere i din meditation og yogapraksis og give dig en unik oplevelse af den yogiske livsstil. Dette seks-dages arrangement giver den bedste mulighed for virkelig at forstå, hvad meditation handler om og hvordan man kan gå dybt ind i sig selv på kortest mulig tid.
🌌Hvorfor stilhed?
At være i stilhed har mange fordele. Energi, der normalt ville blive brugt ved at tale, bibeholdes – man føler sig forfrisket – evner som aktiv iagttagelse og opfattelse får mere styrke og skarphed. Tale agiterer sindet. I stilhed bliver sindet naturligvis stille og ens meditation forbedres.
💎Betingelser for deltagelse
Dette er et udfordrende program – udover selve ​​stilheden er der flere timers meditation hver dag sammen med sang og yogakurser to gange dagligt. Det er ikke velegnet til dem, der føler sig skrøbelige, lider af depression eller andre psykiske problemer (et mere gradvist eller mildt program ville være bedre). Dette program er designet til dem, der er klar til at tage en udfordring og lægge en seriøs indsats for at lære og praktisere meditation. Tidligere erfaring med meditation vil være nyttigt, men er ikke et krav.
💎Om programmet
Der vil være 4 timers meditation, 2 timers sang og 2 timers yogaøvelse hver dag. Hvis du er ny til meditation, vil de tidlige og lange meditationssessioner garanteret være en udfordring, men også en unik mulighed for at nå indre dybder som du aldrig har oplevet før. Meditationsvejledning vil blive givet af undervisere med mange års meditationserfaring, og der vil være mulighed for personlig konsultation dagligt hvis det ønskes.
💎Why chanting?
I denne praksis bruger vi en dynamisk form for sang, der kombinerer et mantra og en simpel dansebevægelse og kropsholdning fra klassisk indisk dans. Dette har flere fordele: For det første hjælper det med at opnå et koncentreret sind ved at holde sind, stemme og krop engageret i en rytmisk proces; For det andet giver det adspredelse fra at sidde, mens man stadig fortsætter en bevægelig form for meditation; For det tredje er kropsholdningerne designet til at åbne hjertet og skabe en lys, let og glad følelse, som er meget gavnlig til meditation. Til sidst har chanting en beroligende effekt på vores kropslige og følelsesmæssige energier ved at holde dem beskæftiget i stedet for at undertrykke dem. Det er en meget nyttig og behagelig praksis, selvom det tager en dag eller to at vænne sig til det.
💎Hvad kan man forvente?
Hvis du ikke er vant til at stå tidligt op, tager det et par dage at vænne sig til det (vi foreslår, at du står tidligt op et par dage før du kommer for tilvænnelse). I løbet af de første to dage er alt andet også nyt – meditationen, chantingen og de lange siddende meditationer (du kan bruge en stol, hvis du har brug for det). De to første dage er de sværeste. Derefter bliver du mere tilpasset til tidsplanen og rutinen, og du vil gradvist begynde at få mere glæde af meditationen og chantingen. Ved afslutningen af ​​retreatet vil du opleve betydelige resultater fra begge. Så vær forberedt på at møde mange vanskeligheder i de første par dage, og vær fast besluttet på at holde ud, indtil du begynder at vænne dig til rutinen og praksiserne. Det vil være al besværet værd. De to gange daglige yoga asana-undervisninger hjælper dig med at slappe af og berolige din krop og sind, hvilket også hjælper dig med bedre at håndtere rutinen og meditationen.
Vi har separate sovesale / private værelser til mænd og kvinder.
Morgenmad, frokost og middag tilberedes i henhold til den yogiske vegetariske diæt (som promoverer mad, der er godt for kroppen og beroligende for sindet).
Normal – 2500 DKK
Studerende / ledige – 2100 kr.
💎 Afbestilling:
Hvis du allerede har betalt, men ønsker at annullere din deltagelse
Over 2 uger før: 100% tilbagebetaling
Mere end 1 uge, men mindre end 2 uger: 80% tilbagebetaling
Mindre end 1 uge: 50% tilbagebetaling
Når du har betalt, skal du udfylde tilmeldingsformularen og fortælle os, hvis du har specielle diætbehov.
Link til online tilmeldingsformular: https://forms.gle/fLBFNJbDe2jLadhT6
⚠️Hvad skal man medbringe
Sørg for at medbringe et ALARM-ur, fordi du ikke har en mobiltelefon ved din side til at vågne op tidligt. Tag også varmt tøj, varme sokker, indendørs hjemmesko, sovepose, lagner, yogamåtte (hvis du har en).
⚠️Deltagerne bliver bedt om at aflevere alle elektroniske enheder inklusive computere, telefoner og tablets i starten af ​​programmet. Disse returneres efter den afsluttende cirkel søndag.
Ananda Gaorii Ashram, Farm and Learning Center,
Holbækvej 56, 4560 Vig.
For dem, der kommer med offentlig transport, skal du købe en billet til Vig og skifte til bus eller tog ved Holbæk (Vig-billetten gælder både i bussen og toget). Når du er i Vig, skal du ringe til Dada på 71881273, så kan vi hente dig på stationen.
For mere information:
Telefon: +45 916 14 14 3
Website: https://www.anandagaorii.dk/
💎💎💎After payment please register here for us to know more about you https://forms.gle/fLBFNJbDe2jLadhT6
We invite you to a 6 – Day Silent Retreat that will help you deepen and strengthen your meditation and yoga practice and give you a unique experience of living the yogic lifestyle. This 6 day format provides the best opportunity to really understand what meditation is about and take it to a deep level in the shortest possible time.
🌌Why Silence?
Observing silence has many benefits. Energy which would normally be expended in speaking is preserved – one feels refreshed – faculties such as observation and insight gain more power and sharpness. Speaking agitates the mind. In silence the mind naturally becomes quiet and meditation improves.
💎Conditions for Participation
This is a challenging program – on top of the silence there are several hours of meditation each day along with chanting and twice daily yoga classes. It is not suited for people who are feeling fragile, suffering from depression or other psychic issues (a more gradual or gentle program would be better). This program is designed for people who are ready to embrace a challenge and put some serious effort to learning and practicing meditation. Prior experience in meditation will be helpful but is not compulsory.
💎About the Program
There will be 4 hours of meditation, 2 hours of chanting and 2 hours of yoga practice every day. If you are new to meditation then the early rising and long meditation sessions will be a challenge but also an opportunity to reach inner depths never experienced before. Meditation guidance will be given by teachers with years of meditation experience and there will be opportunities for personal consultations on a daily basis if desired.
💎Why chanting?
In this practice we use a dynamic form of chanting which combines mantra and a simple step and posture from classical Indian dance. This has several benefits: First, it helps achieve a concentrated mind by keeping the mind, voice and body engaged in a rhythmic process; Second, it provides relief from sitting while still continuing a valid form of meditation; Third, the postures of Indian classical dance open the heart and create a light happy feeling which is helpful for meditation. Finally, it calms our physical and emotional energies by engaging them rather than suppressing them. It is a very helpful and enjoyable practice though it takes a day or two to get used to it.
💎What to Expect
If you are not used to getting up early it will take a couple of days to get used to it (we suggest getting up early for a few days before you come). During these first two days everything else is also new – the meditation, the chanting and the long hours of sitting (you may use a chair if you need to). So the first two days are the most difficult. After that you will become more adapted to the schedule and you will gradually start to get more enjoyment from the meditation and the chanting. By the end of the retreat you should be getting significant results from both. So be prepared to face a lot of difficulties in the first few days and be determined to hold out until you start to get used to the routine and the practices. It will be well worth the difficulty. The twice daily yoga asana classes will help you relax and tune your body and mind which will also help you to better handle the routine and the meditation.
Arrival Day, Tue, Nov 30
11.00 Arrive/Register (Hand in phone, etc.)
12.00 Lunch
1.00 Cleanup
1.30 Welcoming and Introduction
2.30 Guided Tour
3.00 Meditation Introduction Class
4.00 Yoga Asanas
5.00 Break (Fruit/Juice/Tea)
5.30 Mantra Chanting (Silence Begins)
6.00 Meditation
6.30 Closing Mantra, Reading, Kaoshikii Dance
7.00 Dinner
8.00 Meditation Insight Class
8.30 Guided Meditation
9.00 Sleep
Main Days, Wed-Sat, Dec 1-4
4.00 Rise
4.30 Mantra Chanting
4.40 Meditation
5.20 Mantra Chanting
5.30 Meditation
6.10 Closing Mantra and Reading
6.20 Yoga Asana Class
7.00 Break
7.10 Breakfast
8.30 Cleaning
9.00 Shower/Free Time
10.00 Mantra Chanting
10.20 Guided Meditation
11.00 Mantra Chanting
11.20 Meditation
11.50 Closing Mantra and Reading
12.00 Lunch
1.00 Cleanup
1.30 Free Time
2.30 Mantra Chanting
3.30 Meditation
4.00 Yoga Asanas
5.00 Break (Fruit/Juice/Tea)
5.30 Mantra Chanting
6.00 Meditation
6.30 Closing Mantra, Reading, Kaoshikii Dance
7.00 Dinner
8.00 Meditation Insight Class
8.30 Guided Meditation
9.00 Sleep
Departure Day, Sun, Dec 5
4.00 Rise
4.30 Mantra Chanting
4.40 Meditation
5.20 Mantra Chanting
5.30 Meditation
6.10 Closing Mantra and Reading
6.20 Yoga Asana Class
7.00 Break
7.10 Breakfast
8.30 Cleaning
9.00 Shower/Free Time
10.00 Mantra Chanting
10.20 Guided Meditation
11.00 Closing Circle (Silence Ends)
12.00 Lunch
2.00 Cleanup and Pack
3.00 Depart.
Ananda Gaorii Ashram is located on 13 hectares of farmland near Vig, about an hour from Copenhagen. We have a small orchard, vegetable garden, organic bakery, sauna, music studio, meditation hall, dining hall and dormitories for men and women.
We have separate dormitories for men and women (big rooms where up to 10 people can sleep). You are also welcome to camp if you prefer.
🧳 What to Bring
Sleeping bag, sheet, pillow, comfortable loose-fitting clothes for yoga, indoor slippers, pen, notebook, warm clothes for outdoors, towel, toiletries.
If you don’t want to bring a sleeping bag and etc. you can rent a set of sheets and a towel for 50 DKK.
You will be served 3 light meals per day to smoothly integrate the results after the juice fasting. The food will be mainly vegan as in Ananda Gaorii we follow vegan principles. Our cooks will make sure it’s nutritious, yet light and super delicious! 🥰 Besides, our diet is sattvic which means without onion, garlic, eggs and mushrooms.
Normal 2500 DKK
Student/Unemployed 2100 DKK
A set of sheets, pillow, towel – 50 DKK (in case you didn’t bring yours)
🥝 Payment
Follow the link to arrange your payment https://anandamargadanmark.nemtilmeld.dk/5/
After you have paid, please fill in this google form for us to know you better and adjust our menu and program specifically for your needs.
💎Refund policy
If you cancel your participation over 2 weeks before the retreat – 100% payback
More than 1 week but less than 2 weeks – 80 % payback
Less than 1 week – 50% payback
🚌 How to Get There
Buy a ticket to “Vig”. Change at Holbæk to bus or train. We will pick you up in Vig. Kindly call us half an hour before you are due to arrive. If you come by car navigate to Holbækvej 56, 4560 Vig.
🧪 Corona precautions
In order to be able to come to Ananda Gaorii you need to take the corona test before coming. It has to show the negative result within 24 hours before coming. Send the result to . If you have paid and the result is positive you will get fully reimbursed.
We will be around 45-50 people on the venue that’s why we want to make sure that everyone feels safe and we can enjoy the retreat without extra worries. Some of our residents are in the group of health risk.
Please make sure to book your appointment and get the result before coming to the retreat.
Thanks for understanding and cooperation.
⚠️What to bring
Be sure to bring an ALARM clock cause you won’t have a mobile phone by your side to wake up early. Take also warm clothes, warm socks, indoor slippers, sleeping bag, bed sheets, yoga mat (if you have one).
⚠️Participants will be asked to surrender all electronic devices including computers, phones and tablets at the start of the program. These will be returned after the closing circle on Sunday.
🍉 Contact/More Information
•Phone: +45 91614143
• Email: