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Ananda Marga Spring Retreat

Celebrate spring with Kiirtan, music, spiritual inspiration, good food and nice people. Enjoy the beautiful nature and calm friendly atmosphere at Ananda Gaorii. Meet old friends and make new ones. We’ll have kiirtan and meditation four times a day, workshops, activities and outings in the mornings and afternoons and music and entertainment in the evenings. Children are welcome. We’ll post details of the program in the coming days.
Duration: 4 days
Workshop Program
You can check workshop program here:
Daily Routine
You can check the daily routine here:
Ananda Gaorii is an Ashram community focused on meditation, yoga lifestyle, service and sustainability. The program is hosted by Dada Krsnasevananda, a Sannyasi (yoga monk) with a lifetime of experience teaching meditation. The yoga practices at Ananda Gaorii include key elements from the six yoga traditions – Jinana, Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Hatha and Tantra. The primary practice is a meditation based on mantra and visualisation.
The Ashram is located on 13 hectares of farmland near Vig, about an hour from Copenhagen. Guests enjoy the friendly atmosphere, daily spiritual routine and fresh country air. In addition to accommodation facilities we have an orchard, a garden where we grow much of our own food, a prize-winning organic bakery, a sauna, a music studio, a meditation hall, a dining hall and a recreation area. You can walk in the surrounding fields and the beach and forest are a ten minute drive by car.
There are separate dormitories for men and women (shared rooms for up to 10 people). Camping in the orchard is also an option during the summer.
What to Bring
Sleeping bag, sheet, pillow, comfortable loose-fitting clothes for yoga, indoor slippers, pen, notebook, warm clothes for outdoors, towel and toiletries.
If you don’t want to bring a sleeping bag you can rent a set of sheets and a towel for 50 Krone
The price covers three meals a day and the food follows the yogic vegetarian diet. The yogic diet is based on food which is not only good for your body but also calming for the mind. Most meals are vegan but if some dishes contain dairy products a vegan alternative will also be served. The yogic vegetarian diet does not include, fish, eggs, onion, garlic and mushrooms as these foods are considered disturbing for the mind.
(prices include food, accommodation and participation in the program)
Normal – 2500 Dkk
Students and Unemployed – 2100 Dkk
A set of sheets, pillow, towel – 50 DKK (in case you didn’t bring yours)
Payment and Registration
Follow the link below to arrange your payment
After you have paid, please fill in the google form below for us to know you better and adjust our menu and program specifically for your needs.
REGISTER HERE (after payment):
Refund policy
If you cancel your participation over 2 weeks before the retreat – 100% payback
More than 1 week but less than 2 weeks – 80 % payback
Less than 1 week – 50% payback
How to Get There
Buy a ticket to “Vig”. Change at Holbæk to bus or train. If you come by train you should get off at Vig and we will pick you up by car. If you come by bus you should change at Herrestrup Terminal (the next bus will be waiting or will arrive soon) and then go two more stops to Sneglerupvej. From Sneglerupvej walk down the hill 200 metres in the same direction as the bus. Take the first road on the left (it has “Ananda Gaorii” signs) and walk to the end. Kindly call us half an hour before you are due to arrive if you want to be picked up at Vig. If you come by car navigate to Holbækvej 56, 4560 Vig.
Corona precautions
It is no longer necessary to take a test but please don’t come if you are feeling sick.
Contact/More Information
• Phone: Nitya +45 50 13 21 74
. WhatsApp: +7 916 238 3113
• Email:
• URL: www.anandagaorii.dk


Apr 14 - 17 2022


08:00 - 18:00