Silent Meditation Retreat
You can register here
We invite you to a 6 – Day Silent Retreat that will help you deepen and strengthen your meditation and yoga practice and give you a unique experience of living the yogic lifestyle. This six day format provides the best opportunity to really understand what meditation is about and take it to a deep level in the shortest possible time.
✨ Why Silence?
Observing silence has many benefits. Energy which would normally be expended in speaking is preserved – one feels refreshed – faculties such as observation and insight gain more power and sharpness. Speaking agitates the mind. In silence the mind naturally becomes quiet and meditation improves.
✨ Conditions for Participation
This is a challenging program – on top of the silence there are several hours of meditation each day along with chanting and twice daily yoga classes. It is not suited for people who are feeling fragile, suffering from depression or other psychic issues (a more gradual or gentle program would be better). This program is designed for people who are ready to embrace a challenge and put some serious effort to learning and practicing meditation. Prior experience in meditation will be helpful but is not compulsory.
✨ About the Program
There will be 4 hours of meditation, 2 hours of chanting and 2 hours of yoga practice every day. If you are new to meditation then the early rising and long meditation sessions will be a challenge but also an opportunity to reach inner depths never experienced before. Meditation guidance will be given by teachers with years of meditation experience and there will be opportunities for personal consultations on a daily basis if desired.
✨ Why chanting?
In this practice we use a dynamic form of chanting which combines mantra and a simple step and posture from classical Indian dance. This has several benefits: First, it helps achieve a concentrated mind by keeping the mind, voice and body engaged in a rhythmic process; Second, it provides relief from sitting while still continuing a valid form of meditation; Third, the postures of Indian classical dance open the heart and create a light happy feeling which is helpful for meditation. Finally, it calms our physical and emotional energies by engaging them rather than suppressing them. It is a very helpful and enjoyable practice though it takes a day or two to get used to it.
✨ What to Expect
If you are not used to getting up early it will take a couple of days to get used to it (we suggest getting up early for a few days before you come). During these first two days everything else is also new – the meditation, the chanting and the long hours of sitting (you may use a chair if you need to). So the first two days are the most difficult. After that you will become more adapted to the schedule and you will gradually start to get more enjoyment from the meditation and the chanting. By the end of the retreat you should be getting significant results from both. So be prepared to face a lot of difficulties in the first few days and be determined to hold out until you start to get used to the routine and the practices. It will be well worth the difficulty. The twice daily yoga asana classes will help you relax and tune your body and mind which will also help you to better handle the routine and the meditation.
✨ Corona precautions
We request you to take the corona test before coming to the Retreat. Ananda Gaorii is a community of 30 people living together and according to the corona restrictions, we are allowed to host up to 9 people. Please make sure to book your appointment and get the result before coming to the retreat.
✨ You don’t have to wear a mask while eating, during workshops, yoga and meditation (sitting positions) but we will ask you to have it while moving around the house (standing positions). Social distancing (1 m) is also part of the rules we need to obey. We want to make sure that everyone feels safe and we can enjoy the retreat without extra worries. Thanks for understanding and cooperation.
✨ Accommodation
We have separate dormitories/private rooms for men and women.
✨ Food
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are prepared according to the yogic vegetarian diet (which emphasises food which is good for the body and calming for the mind).
✨ Cost:
Normal – 2300 DKK
Student/Unemployed – 1900 DKK
✨ Payment:
MobilePay: 10373, (please note that we kindly ask you to write “Six Day Silent Retreat” and your name, when you make the payment)
Bank Transfer (Please specify “Silent Retreat”):
Account Information
Bank: Jyske Bank
Account name: Ananda Marga DK Kurser/Courses.
Account No.: 5018-0001348611
IBAN: DK2350180001348611
Reg. No. 5018. Konto No. 0001348611
✨ Cancellation policy:
If you’ve paid but want to cancel your participation
Over 2 weeks before – 100% payback
More than 1 week but less than 2 weeks – 80 % payback
Less than 1 week – 50% payback
✨ Registration:
After you have paid please fill out the registration form and let us know if you have any special dietary needs.
Link to online registration form:
✨ What to bring
Be sure to bring an ALARM clock cause you won’t have a mobile phone by your side to wake up early. Take also warm clothes, warm socks, indoor slippers, sleeping bag, bed sheets, yoga mat (if you have one).
✨ Participants will be asked to surrender all electronic devices including computers, phones and tablets at the start of the program. These will be returned after the closing circle on Sunday.
✨ Address
Ananda Gaorii Ashram, Farm and Learning Center, Holbækvej 56, 4560 Vig. For those coming by public transport please buy a ticket to Vig and change to the bus or train at Holbæk (the Vig ticket is valid on both the bus and the train). Once in Vig call Dada on 71881273 and we can pick you up at the station.