
Yoga Detox Retreat

Yoga classes, meditation and juice detox

“Story Farm” Erasmus + Training Course

📌 Location: Vig, Denmark

📅 Dates: October 6 – 18, 2024

🏡 Hosting Organization: Ananda Marga Danmark

🇪🇺 Participating Countries: Denmark, Slovenia, Lithuania, Spain, Italy

🔍 Info-pack: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGE0m6sZ9U/fQL9Nl0o4hhtkOTdSBOFnQ/view?utm_content=DAGE0m6sZ9U&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

✍🏻Registration: https://forms.gle/NkTW74T23F2c2QL46


Ananda Marga Danmark invites youth workers, teachers, and civil society members from Denmark, Slovenia, Lithuania, Spain, and Italy to participate in the Training Course “Story Farm” in Vig, Denmark. This 13-day event, taking place from October 6 to 18, 2024, focuses on personal and professional growth through the art of storytelling.

🔸 Program Highlights: Participants will explore and develop their personal stories, uncovering their intrinsic value and core messages. Through guided adventures and storytelling techniques, the program aims to create authentic, emotive connections with audiences, fostering both personal and professional growth.

🎯 Objectives:

  1. Skill Development: Equip participants with storytelling, social media, and content creation skills to engage, inspire, and empower the youth they work with.
  2. Personal Empowerment: Facilitate a Personal Hero’s Journey, enhancing participants’ self-awareness, leadership abilities, and role modeling skills.
  3. Creative Exploration: Promote self-confidence, imagination, and self-esteem through creative self-expression and exploration.
  4. Youth Challenges: Address and empathize with the main challenges faced by young people, particularly those arising from the digital world.
  5. Cultural Change: Use storytelling to create campaigns on sensitive and environmental topics, aiming to influence and sensitize younger generations.
  6. Purpose Definition: Help partner organizations define and effectively convey their purpose to their staff, youth, supporters, and partner organizations.

🙋🏼 Participants:

  • Total Participants: 32 youth workers
  • Per Country: 6 participants from Denmark, Slovenia, Lithuania, Spain, and Italy (including 1 participant with fewer opportunities per country)
  • Age Range: 25 – 50 years
  • Gender Balance: Equal number of male and female participants

Participant Profile:

  • Actively involved in environmental regenerative habits, permaculture, social inclusion, intercultural education, and youth participation.
  • Interest in environmental issues, literature, art, self-expression, sustainability practices, regenerative lifestyles, and social inclusion.
  • Priority for participants with fewer opportunities (unemployed youth or those from disadvantaged areas or communities).
  • Commitment to attend the full course duration and undertake follow-up and dissemination activities.
  • Proficient in English.

Trainers: Daniela Kohler, Giancarlo, Dada Krsnasevananda


  • The project is part of the Erasmus+ Programme.
  • Accommodation and food are fully covered by the organizer.